Add PDR Matrix Screen

Use this screen to add a Paintless Dent Repair Matrix table to the profile.

Description of fields on the screen

Field Label Description
Code Enter a code to be associated with the table.
Description Enter descriptive information in this field. For example, if you are creating a table for a specific customer, you might put that customer’s name here.
Copy from PDR Matrix: Current Company Selecting this option allows you to base the new table on an existing one in the droplist. For example, if you want to base the new table on the default table for the company you have currently selected, select Default from the Current Company droplist. When you create the new table, the values from the current company’s default table will automatically be filled.
OK Select this option to save the information and close the screen.
Cancel Selecting this option closes the screen without saving.

See Also

Copying or Adding a PDR Matrix Table







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